Gather around, readers, as I entertain readers with another story of the weird shit players are up to in Elden Ring. Don't worry, this post isn't about panties, murdering turtle clergy even rolling death strats (we've already done that). This time, Elden Ring has become an even more bizarre gaming experience thanks to a YouTuber's zany and surreal modding efforts.
YouTuber ToastedShoes who's posted numerous modded gameplay videos, uploaded the video appropriately titled "Elden Ring but ruined by mods." Although the mods aren't going to ruin gameplay, they transform Elden Ring into a ferocious online gaming enthusiast's dream. The Australian YouTuber's bold take on FromSoftware's new hotness replaces Elden's bosses and NPCs with cartoon characters of the past, resulting in an entertaining and enthralling playing experience.
Utilizing mods created by one of his YouTube regulars, Garden of Eyes, ToastedShoes is a Tarnished Homer Simpson as he bravely begins his quest to find the "Elden Donut." Someone might want to help him understand the meaning of what Elden Ring actually is (y'know when players figure out the answer).
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